about Gotcha Nutrition & Wellness owner


I am a Registered Dietitian nutritionist with a degree in Psychology and Food Science and Nutrition. My passion is taking a holistic, whole body functional approach to human nutrition, using food as medicine in combination with lifestyle choices to achieve health goals. I have lived with an autoimmune disease diagnosis, multiple sclerosis, since 2008. This means that I am also a patient and continue to ‘lean-in’ working with my own team on my health journey. It’s from this perspective that I believe that many health challenges begin with how we feed and treat our bodies.

rooted in the
real world

There are things we can control and things we cannot. I am here to help you learn how to achieve the goals that are important to you and that you can control. Whether it be healthy eating, weight loss, or improving cardiovascular markers to diabetes, food allergies or stubborn weight. I am to guide you on your health journey using an individualized approach ranging from light touch interactions through a deep dive into nutrigenomics.


I believe that many health challenges begin with how we feed and treat our bodies.”